By Mister Curie
Just a quick update. I finished 3 weeks of Neurology and took the final exam on Friday. Monday starts a week of Ophthalmology and the next week is Orthopedic Surgery. For Neurology I was got the assignment to work at the Children's Hospital. It was great to get some clinical interaction with kids again. There was a nice overlap with genetics and Neurology. It was also incredibly depressing to see some of the terrible things some children go through. Neurology is home to some of the most depressing illnesses imaginable. It reminded me of Elder Packer's now famous: "Why would God do that to anyone?" I saw kids with genetic diseases that left their nerves undeveloped who will never be able to breath on their own. I saw other kids who have seizures that have destroyed their brains and they no longer can interact with the world. I saw others born without most of their brain and some who had strokes that had transformed them from normal kids to vegetables. I prefer to not believe in a God who controls the minutiae of our lives such that He is responsible for such things happening. If anything, the experience was a testimony builder for my atheism. I'm grateful to no longer have to try and reconcile such atrocities with a loving Heavenly Father.
5 years ago